(336) 725-1000

Automobile Accidents


Automobile Accidents

winston-salem-auto-accident-lawyerIf you have suffered personal injuries or property damage in an automobile, motorcycle or truck accident, our firm may be able to help you.  We represent individuals who have been injured in motor vehicle collisions, including those caused by hit and run drivers, uninsured or underinsured drivers, those occurring from motor vehicle, SUV, semi-tractor trailer collisions, or rollovers.

These types of accidents can be devastating and life-altering. You may have suffered whiplash, burns to your head or neck, have nerve damage or spinal cord paralysis, broken or dislocated a bone or limb, or even have lost the use of a limb. We understand that your goals after going through such trauma are to get your medical bills paid and covered, to make sure you do not suffer financially through lost wages, and to make sure your insurance company will pay for future treatment relating to your injury. Our experienced attorneys and staff will discuss your situation and go over the options available to you. We also work with insurance companies and other parties involved in your case to make sure all your needs are handled quickly and appropriately.

If you or a loved one has been injured in an automobile accident, contact us for a FREE consultation. You may call us at (336) 725-1000 or toll free at (877) 514-0995. You may also contact us online for a FREE consultation.